Saturday, December 1, 2012

Friday, June 12, 2009

Madalyn's new specs

Madalyn got her new glasses today. Wow, she is growing like a weed. She's lost a lot of the baby look in her face.
Just the other day, she was telling me that we are God's sheep. To which I agreed. I always love it when my kids talk about the Lord. Then she said Jesus is our meant sheppard.

Logan's field trip and Award's Day

Logan's class went to see "Night At The Museum Part 2" which he LOVED. Then they went to the park at the complex to have a picnic and play at the park.

Since Madalyn was already out of school, he decided she could come to the park too.

Can't believe my baby just finished 1st grade. Where does the time go.

Logan received an award for Honor Roll. Way to go Little Man. We love you and are so very proud of you.

Kindergarten Round Up Graduation 09

Madalyn's class

Madalyn and her teacher Mrs. McLelland.

Haley, Hope, Alex and Madalyn

Madalyn before the ceremony started. I forgot my memory card for my camara so I was not able to film all their songs. They sang songs and then told what they want to be when they grow up. Madalyn said a horse racer. Not sure why, she's never seen a horse race.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Spring 2009 Beginnings

Micah in his Easter duds. (age:2)

He kept doing Madalyn's dance step since anytime she gets pictures now, she thinks she's suppose to do a dance pose.

Madalyn in her Easter frock. (Age:5)

Logan kept saying he looked like a leprecahn. (age 6)

All 3. Couldn't seem to get one with everyone's eyes open.

Logan April Top Dragon

Logan was chosen Top Dragon for his 1st grade class for the month of April. He was so proud.
Here he is with a fellow 1st grader and friend, Keelyn Hodge.

Bravo Dance Recital 2009

Madalyn backstage waiting to perform her tap dance.

Madalyn posing.

Look at all the precious ballerinas.

My sweet ballerina.

You did a great job! I love you sweet girl!